Labour law consultancy

Labour law consultancy to international businesses, with particular emphasis to German and English-speaking clients as well as to domestic firms and national individuals, is a relevant practise of our Firm. International and foreign entities operating in Italy need to minimize the labour cost and social contributions basing their decisions on accurate budgets and forecasts.

The Firm offers labour law consultancy oriented to the specific needs of the client also to expatriates of international corporations seconded to Italy. Our professional experience allows us to offer a unique, specific and relevant service concerning budget, taxation and labour law aspects connected to the employment of personnel in Italy.

  • Hiring contract consultancy for managers and executives

  • Assistance and execution of the mandatory administrative fulfilments connected to the hire of personnel al the INAIL Work Accident Insurance and INPS Social Security and Labour Offices;

  • Preparation of labour cost budgets for new or existing personnel

  • Assistance in compulsory Labour law settlements and ruling at the local Labour Law Offices

  • Wage-slip service

  • Applications for A1 (former E101) secondment forms at the Italian Labour Ministry

  • Preparation and submission of the Withholding agents’ tax returns (Mod. UNICO 770)

  • Calculation and Internet communication of INAIL Work accident premiums

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